Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Social Networking Gone too Far?

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I remember just a few years ago when my cousin tried to get me to join Facebook. I really didn't see any point, especially since I had Myspace already, but I joined. Then I got bored and got all my friends to join. And now it's like a drug. I'm always logged in at work, at home, on my phone. I just gotta stay 'connected'.

Another huge networking site is Twitter. We all know what Twitter is and I'm not going to elaborate on it, but I gotta stay connected to this too. Mainly to get my news on different Tech, Politics, and whatever else I'm interested in.

Since Facebook social networking has becoming a huge industry. Facebook alone is worth about $11 billion dollars. Ridiculous. And I know they're trying to figure out how to profit off of Twitter. Actually some celebs, like Kim Kardashian (God bless her) gets paid thousands of dollars per tweet advertisement. Craaaazy!

Even cops are beginning to use Facebook to make bust on all kinds of crimes: Sex offenders, underage drinking, etc.

Besides these little companies that make software for our phones and computers to stay connected on the social networks, we now have other BIG companies are hopping on the social networking band wagon. Companies like Google and even Microsoft. Google recently launched a beta software called Google Buzz which basically is a Facebook/Twitter built into your Gmail. So far it has failed.

Now Microsoft is releasing something that integrates your Facebook and Twitter into your Outlook program called the Outlook Social Connector. Now this is pretty neat, but how many people outside of their job use Outlook? Not many. It would have been a better fit with their Hotmail product. Oh how I wish Gmail did something similar instead of trying their own thing.

Social networking....ahh how it has made life so impersonal. What's worst...text messages or a tweet?

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